Strava APK v334.10 MOD (Subscription Premium)

Strava APK

Strava APK is designed to enhance your skills in cycling, swimming, and running, recording your workouts meticulously for easy monitoring. Whether through your phone or smartwatch, observe and log your running or cycling progress with ease. Leveraging the Strava tracker, users can explore new paths among a community of fitness enthusiasts, fostering discipline coordination and bolstering overall health.

EFFECTIVE HEALTH REGIMEN IN 3 WAYS Strava tracker streamlines exercise routines, automating the tracking of running distances, swimming speeds, altitude gained, and calories burnt. It compiles a statistical map of your routes, running speeds, and swimming details, offering challenges for improved self-training and friendly competition.

PROGRESS TRACKING FOR BETTER FITNESS With a keen eye on your running, cycling, and swimming activities, this app diligently documents your progress, comparing your current performance against past results. The tracker precisely logs your training efforts and calorie expenditure, providing a wealth of insights to gauge your fitness journey.

BUILDING COMMUNITY CAMARADERIE Post-workout, the app allows you to share results, sparking interaction as friends and followers can comment and offer encouragement. Participants can share fitness goals and cycling routes, contributing to organized runs aimed at community development or charitable causes.

PERSONALIZED CHALLENGES AND GROWTH Customize plans based on suggested templates, setting clear objectives tailored to your needs. Continuously challenge yourself to enhance fitness and health, leveraging the Strava tracker to maintain focus and improvement.

TRAINING AND COACHING FOR ATHLETIC IMPROVEMENT Master the trio of swimming, running, and cycling through Strava’s coaching features, progressively enhancing your skills. Track your progress, devise effective plans, and utilize the app as your personal fitness coach.

DIVERSE, ENGAGING WORKOUT OPTIONS Strava tracker offers engaging exercise varieties beyond the routine, ensuring effective yet enjoyable workouts. Post-workout summaries displaying distance covered and calories burnt serve as motivational boosts, alleviating stress after long, taxing work hours.


  • Offers tailored training methods for maximum workout effectiveness.
  • Records and tracks running distances, swimming speeds, and calories burnt with detailed statistics.
  • Provides goal-setting options for personal fitness enhancement.
  • Facilitates activity sharing, community building, and friendly competition.
  • Engages in fitness events to promote communal growth and health improvement.

Info of Strava APK

NameStrava APK
Version v336.9
Size133 MB
Last Update2023/10/02

How to download Strava APK?

  1. Open Google Chrome on your smartphone.
  2. Enter “Strava APK” in the search box.
  3. While various third-party websites offer the app, we recommend visiting our website for the latest version.
  4. Click on the download link provided on our website.
  5. Once the download is complete, locate the app in your downloads folder on your mobile device.

To install Strava APK follow these instructions:

  1. Enable the “Allow installation from unknown sources” setting in your phone’s security settings to install this third-party software on your Android smartphone.
  2. Locate the APK file in your downloads folder.
  3. Tap on the APK file and select the install option when prompted.
  4. Once the installation is complete, you can start using the app on your phone.

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