千銃士: Rhodoknight v3.6.0 MOD APK (Mega Menu)

千銃士: Rhodoknight v3.6.0 MOD APK (Mega Menu) 2

千銃士: Rhodoknight Mod APK transforms players into musketeer trainers at an academy, tasked with fostering resilient musketeers possessing exceptional weapon skills.

Rhodoknight, a game gaining substantial attention, revolves around the theme of musketeers—one rarely explored in gaming. Players select their musketeer army and embark on training endeavors. Through numerous challenges and rigorous exercises, musketeers evolve swiftly. The game narrative leads players into uncharted territories, rife with clashing clans and power-hungry factions, promising a plethora of novel experiences.



Within this musketeer-themed game, musketeers stand as pivotal characters. Rhodoknight offers an extensive array of musketeer characters, each with distinct personalities and appearances, ranging from stoic to lively, lolita to bad boy. These characters boast diverse attributes, urging players to meticulously select team members during the training phase.


Notably, every character in the game features individualized voiceovers, totaling hundreds of voices, reflecting the game’s comprehensive design. Rhodoknight entices players with captivating music, 2D graphics showcasing anime characters reminiscent of Japan’s cherry blossom-laden landscapes.


The musketeer’s primary armament, the gun, comes in various types with distinct ammunition. Each character wields a specific gun, upgradeable through quest rewards. Every gun possesses unique strengths and limitations, urging players to synergize character abilities to offset weaknesses.

In Rhodoknight, players assume the role of an unseen commander and trainer. Mastery of game mechanics is essential to guide students effectively. Training sessions familiarize players with gun handling, character interactions, squad management, and more. The field serves as a training ground, allowing soldiers to hone their skills gradually through practice.



Players receive daily tasks, comprising simple daily quests and more time-intensive big quests. While daily tasks involve basic interactions and activities, big quests demand substantial dedication. Progressing through quests unravels hidden puzzle pieces, enriching the overarching narrative.

Musketeers symbolize national strength on battlefields, embodying a country’s vigor. Political factions drive the establishment of cavalry training schools, unveiling feuds, power struggles, and clandestine conflicts among nobles and nations. Players delve into the complex world of political intrigue and power dynamics, uncovering the enigmatic nature of musketeer warfare.



  • Become a trainer command the musketeers to become strong and skilled. Take a particular training course to learn how
  • There are many characters with their own appearance and attributes for you to choose according to your personality and personal preferences. Form an army of your favorite characters
  • The costumes and voice acting of each character are different, making them unique
  • Simple fighting form with guns. Interactions and activities take place in the form of tasks
  • The mysteries behind the training of elite musketeers have gradually been revealed: power struggles, conflicts, and hidden struggles between the political world.
Name 千銃士: Rhodoknight v3.6.0 MOD APK (Mega Menu)
Version v3.7.0
Size 95 MB
License FreeWare
Last Update 2 days ago

How to download 千銃士: Rhodoknight v3.6.0 MOD APK (Mega Menu) ?

  1. Open Google Chrome on your smartphone.
  2. Enter “千銃士: Rhodoknight v3.6.0 MOD APK (Mega Menu)” in the search box.
  3. While various third-party websites offer the app, we recommend visiting our website for the latest version.
  4. Click on the download link provided on our website.
  5. Once the download is complete, locate the app in your downloads folder on your mobile device.

To install 千銃士: Rhodoknight v3.6.0 MOD APK (Mega Menu) APK follow these instructions:

  1. Enable the “Allow installation from unknown sources” setting in your phone’s security settings to install this third-party software on your Android smartphone.
  2. Locate the APK file in your downloads folder.
  3. Tap on the APK file and select the install option when prompted.
  4. Once the installation is complete, you can start using the app on your phone.

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